Hash Trash
MountainBeers Trail 33
by Show Cock
What a trail! The run itself wasn't the longest, but the drinking sure was. The hounds killed 4 30 packs and an entire bottle of Vodka like it was orange juice! 3 beer nears, one on a roof of a campus building downtown, and a liquor near on the PRT!
Boy did we freak out all those freshmen! The hounds and hares were so raucous and loud that it was necessary to leave the planned end. luckily NFHN Bri lived across the street and circle was reconvened, and reconvened again after being yelled at by a neighbor... RUTH was looking to get Lik'ed Hard, or take a Moneyshot to the face... Seriously late hashers, Drama Queen Bitch, Cream of Sheep, and the lovely NFHN Natasha found the circle, representing Peach Fuzz H3 from GA. The circle quickly became out of control when NFHN Pilar repeatedly received unwanted attention, Sorry AG! But the discrepancy was short-lived and the hounds went on with their drunken escapades, eventually ending up at 4th n Goal for terrible Karaoke... I blacked out here, so unfortunately i can't add any more to this hash ... But Congratulations DQB and COS, who are getting married tomorrow(they met at a hash)!!!!!!!!!!!